Bassel Saleh & Co.

As­sis­tant Man­ager

As­sis­tant Man­ager

Po­si­tion Sum­mary

The Au­dit As­sis­tant Man­ager will su­per­vise teams of au­dit & as­sur­ance se­niors and staff and as­sist with day-to-day co­or­di­na­tion of au­dit work and as­sur­ance ser­vices with field en­gage­ment teams ad­dress ac­count­ing, au­dit­ing, and other mat­ters, us­ing ad­vanced au­dit tools and tech­nol­ogy. With a fo­cus on qual­ity, as well as de­liv­ery and ex­e­cu­tion. Re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in­clude:

  • Team management, focus on managing engagement tasks and resources across engagements
  • Identify process issues and develop solutions
  • Serve as a counselor professionals; provide feedback
  • Coordinate closely with field engagement teams and as applicable with client personnel
  • Meet professional expectations, deepen industry proficiency to deliver exceptional audit quality and client service
  • Communicate major issues to the engagement manager and partner

Po­si­tion Re­quire­ments

  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or any related field
  • Six or more years of experience in public accounting firms
  • Deep working knowledge of IFRSs
  • Syrian licence of Certified Public Accountant is required
  • International qualification is desired: ACCA or CPA
  • Excellent in English (Reading, Speaking and Writing)



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