Bassel Saleh & Co.

Human Resources Senior

HR Se­nior

Po­si­tion Sum­mary

The Hu­man Re­sources Se­nior will will be in charge of the rou­tine func­tions of the Hu­man Re­sources (HR) de­part­ment in­clud­ing hir­ing and in­ter­view­ing staff, ad­min­is­ter­ing pay, ben­e­fits, and leave, and en­forc­ing com­pany poli­cies and prac­tices. Re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in­clude:

  • Enhances the organization’s human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices.
  • Supports organization staff by establishing a recruiting, testing, and interviewing program; counseling managers on candidate selection;
  • Ensures planning, monitoring, and appraisal of employee work results by training managers to coach and discipline employees; scheduling management conferences with employees; hearing and resolving employee grievances; and counseling employees and supervisors.
  • Ensures legal compliance by monitoring and implementing applicable human resource laws and regulations
  • Enforces management guidelines by preparing, updating, and recommending human resource policies and procedures.
  • Retains historical human resource records by designing a filing and retrieval system and keeping past and current records.

Po­si­tion Re­quire­ments

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, Organizational Phycology, or any related field; further training will be a plus
  • Minimum of six years of proven experience in HR functions (pay & benefits, recruitment, training & development etc.)
  • International qualification is preferred: (PHR/SPHR)
  • Excellent in English (Reading, Speaking and Writing)
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficient in MS Office


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