Bassel Saleh & Co.

Se­nior Con­sul­tant

Se­nior Con­sul­tant 

Position Summary

The Se­nior Con­sul­tant will iden­tify and an­a­lyze the client’s most strate­gic is­sues. As a Se­nior Con­sul­tant, you are re­spon­si­ble for de­vel­op­ing work plans, de­sign­ing and con­duct­ing analy­ses, syn­the­siz­ing con­clu­sions and man­ag­ing other case team mem­bers. You will work on a va­ri­ety of client is­sues, such as de­vel­op­ing growth strate­gies for or­ga­ni­za­tions, Fea­si­bil­ity stud­ies, Busi­ness val­u­a­tion, as­sess­ing at­trac­tive­ness of po­ten­tial tar­gets, un­der­stand­ing new mar­kets and re­duc­ing op­er­at­ing costs. Re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in­clude:

  • Perform secondary research using a variety of sources (e.g. analyst reports, market research reports, news articles)
  • Executing various analyses (e.g., customer segmentation, market sizing, competitor analysis, macroeconomic forecasting) to support the strategic recommendations
  • Designing and executing in-depth interview guides with key organizational stakeholders, industry experts and customers
  • Analyzing business plans and pro-forma financial models to help identify key assumptions and drivers
  • Managing and directing the analytical efforts of junior team members at the Associate level on a daily basis

Position Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in finance or any related field
  • 4 years of experience in financial consulting preferably in corporate finance Department with experience in areas such as financial modeling
  • International qualification is desired: (CFA/CBV/FMC)
  • Excellent in English (Reading, Speaking and Writing


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