IFRS 17: In­sur­ance Con­tracts

Bas­sel Saleh & Co signed a Con­sult­ing Agree­ment with the Syr­ian In­sur­ance Su­per­vi­sory Com­mis­sion (SISC), to pro­vide ad­vice re­gard­ing the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the IFRS 17 “In­sur­ance Con­tract”.

Both Bas­sel Saleh & Co and SISC ap­pre­ci­ate the com­plex­i­ties brought by the stan­dard and rec­og­nize the im­por­tance of the IFRS 17 to har­mo­nize the Syr­ian In­sur­ance in­dus­try with the global mar­ket.

Em­pow­ered with in­ter­na­tional part­ner­ship, Bas­sel Saleh & Co in­tends to sup­port the Syr­ian in­sur­ers with lead­ing prac­tices rel­e­vant to the IFRS 17. This in­cludes but is not lim­ited to ad­vi­sory ser­vices re­gard­ing the im­plan­ta­tion of the IFRS 17 (Gap As­sess­ment- Op­er­a­tional Im­pact As­sess­ment- So­lu­tion De­sign – Fi­nan­cial Im­pact As­sess­ment – Im­ple­men­ta­tion).