Interim Financial Informtion Review
Interim Financial Informtion Review
Bassel Saleh & Co will makes inquiries and performs analytical procedures, to support a conclusion on whether the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. The planned nature, timing and extent of the procedures performed will depend on the nature and circumstances of the engagement (and will likely significantly differ from audit procedures). They are performed to obtain limited assurance on whether your accountant has become aware of any matter that may cause the financial statements to be materially misstated.
When you may need our Review Service?
- The entity is exempt from a statutory audit requirement, but users, such as shareholders or banks, require some form of assurance.
- It supports an internal review of the financial information of the business by management, acting as an additional control.
- It is requested by a group auditor with respect to a subsidiary or business unit forming part of a group.
- The financial statements are required to be reviewed to fulfil statutory or contractual obligations.
What are the benefits of an Audit and Assurance service?
- It may prepare a growing business for transition to an audit.
- It may assist in obtaining finance or may be useful when preparing to sell a business or seeking new investors.
- It is flexible and targeted — your accountant can focus time and attention on the things that matter according to the complexity of the financial statements, the nature of the business and the nature of the engagement.
- Your accountant is required to report all matters that in their professional judgment are of sufficient importance to merit management’s attention.