Bassel Saleh & Co.

Bas­sel Saleh

Part­ner, MSc, SCPA

As a Part­ner of BAS­SEL SALEH & CO, I be­lieve that my firm should play a vi­tal role in the Syr­ian cap­i­tal mar­ket for­ma­tion and should be an es­sen­tial con­trib­u­tor to­wards Syr­ian eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment.

To achieve this tar­get, I have put in place two strate­gies:

One is a strin­gent hu­man re­source strat­egy to re­cruit the best in class and main­tain de­velop the tal­ent.

The sec­ond is to set the tech­ni­cal stan­dards of ser­vice de­liv­ery to com­ply with in­ter­na­tional stan­dards.

I be­lieve in re­li­a­bil­ity, in­tegrity, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, to­tal qual­ity, team­work, and eth­i­cal val­ues.


BASSEL SALEH & CO for Audit and Consulting Services


Boost Solutions for Information Technology


Higher Institute of Business Administration

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Finance and Banking Candidate

Academic & Professional Lecturing

Academic Researcher & Professional Trainer in Accounting, Financial & Banking Sciences.

Our Mes­sage to the Pub­lic is:

Our firm will fo­cus on ful­fill­ing clients’ re­quire­ments con­tribute to client suc­cess.

The firm is or­ga­nized and equipped to ex­ceed clients’ ex­pec­ta­tions, to take a proac­tive ap­proach to work ap­proach, and to pro­vide re­al­is­tic so­lu­tions.

The firm is built on the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of keep­ing clients’ best in­ter­ests in mind and on pro­vid­ing timely and up to date ad­vice re­gard­ing client busi­ness bench­marked to the best prac­tices lo­cally and in­ter­na­tion­ally.

The firm has a Code of Con­duct which has been set to en­able the firm to earn pub­lic trust.

More­over, the firm pro­motes a cul­ture of equal­ity and en­cour­ag­ing the at­ti­tude of tak­ing re­spon­si­bil­ity, shar­ing knowl­edge, and sup­port­ing each other.


Part­ner at BASSEL SALEH & CO for Auditing and Consulting Services.


PhD Candidate

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Finance and Banking


Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Finance and Banking

CFA Level III​

CFA Level III Candidate in the CFA Program


Syrian Certificate Public Accountant.

Request for Consultation

Need advice or support to manage your operational, financial processes and risks involved, and investment evaluation?

Pro­fes­sional Ex­pe­ri­ence

Over 12 years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the fields of ac­count­ing, au­dit­ing, and con­sul­tancy by man­ag­ing and de­liv­er­ing a wide range of fi­nan­cial ser­vices, in­clud­ing ac­count­ing, Au­dit & As­sur­ance, con­sul­tancy, and IFRSs Ad­vi­sory. His ex­pe­ri­ence in­cluded:

Accounting Services

De­sign­ing the chart of ac­counts, bookkeeping all the business transactions and prepar­ing the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for sev­eral com­pa­nies in sev­eral sec­tors.

Audit & Assurance Services

Fi­nan­cial State­ments au­dit in ac­cor­dance with In­ter­na­tional Stan­dards on Auditing (ISA) in sev­eral sec­tors in­clud­ing Bank­ing, Insurance, Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Con­struc­tion, trad­ing, and NGOs.

Business Advisory Services

Feasibility study and business valuation in several industries, developing client’s financial and operational policies & procedures and assessment of internal controls.

IFRS Advisory Services

Im­ple­men­ta­tion of some spe­cific IFRS for sev­eral com­pa­nies.